



In 2009 Klaus Greinert initiated, together with the University of Mannheim, theMannheim Sports Scholarshipand now also supports and promotes its further development into theElite Sports Scholarship Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region.

He himself played 72 games with the national field hockey team and participated in the Olympic Games in Rome and Mexico. His wife Jutta was also a successful national field hockey player.

Klaus Greinert

"High-performance athletes have a particularly hard timeto complete their studies because of the amount of training they have to do. Yet they are often capable of top performance in academic professions, precisely because of their experience in sports."

10 years sports scholarship

The Elite Sports Scholarship Rhine-Neckar celebrates its10th anniversary in the summer of 2019!

We took this as an opportunity to talk to the initiator and sponsor Klaus Greinert and the Rector of the University of Mannheim, Professor Puhl, to talk about the highlights and the special features of our scholarship and the scholarship holders.

Learn more in the video!

 Dietmar Hopp Foundation

The Dietmar Hopp Stiftung GmbH was established in 1995 to enable the implementation of charitable projects. The foundations assets consist primarily of SAP shares that Dietmar Hopp contributed from his private holdings.


The foundation is one of the largest private foundations in Europe. The focus of its funding activities is on the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region, which the founder feels particularly connected to.


On application, the foundation supports projects of non-profit organizations in the fields of medicine, education, social affairs, youth sports and climate protection. This includes, for example, support for sports clubs, facilities and projects for children or the elderly or people with disabilities. Major funding projects in the medical field currently include the planned construction of the Heart Center and the Hopp Children's Tumor Center in Heidelberg. The funding guidelines can be viewed on the website and corresponding applications can be sent to the foundation in St. Leon-Rot.


In addition, the Dietmar Hopp Stiftung GmbH implements its statutory purposes through its own promotional campaigns. As a special campaign, under the title "alla hopp!" 19 exercise and meeting facilities inspire all generations to get more exercise. The Dietmar Hopp Foundation built the alla hopp! facilities between 2015 and 2017 for a total of 45 million euros and donated them to the participating municipalities.


In 2014, the Dietmar Hopp Foundation also established the Climate Foundation for Citizens. Its aim is to promote an understanding of climate change and sustainable living and business, while at the same time inspiring people to take action. To this end, the Climate Foundation for Citizens has been operating the Climate Arena in Sinsheim since October 2019, an innovative exhibition and extracurricular learning venue for anyone who wants to make a sustainable commitment to the climate and the environment.


The Dietmar Hopp Foundation is a member of the Federal Association of German Foundations, the association Zukunft Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar and Sportregion Rhein-Neckar e.V.

Dietmar Hopp

"The double burden on athletes at the absolute top level is enormous. I want top athletes to have enough time to train and learn. They motivate other people to take up a sport as well. I'm happy to see more children and young people drawn away from the game console to the soccer field or tartan track again."

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