

Applicationsfor an Elite Sports Scholarshipat the Universities of Mannheim and Heidelberg are open every year untilJuly 15for the fall semester!

Applications for a top sports scholarship at the Heilbronn universities are initially open until January 15 2025!

We kindly ask that you submit your applications earlier if possible!


enrolment, admission or application to study in an undergraduate or postgraduate degree program leading to a degree or enrolment for a doctorate at the partner universities (University of Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim Business School (MBS), DHBW Heilbronn, DHBW CAS, Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences and TU Munich at the Heilbronn campus)

as well as at least the fulfillment of one of the criteria listed with the perspective of top performance:

  • Sport with assignment to a DOSB-Bundestützpunkt (BSP), BSP-similar performance center or sponsored by the Dietmar Hopp Foundation
  • Federal squad status (Olympic squad (A squad), perspective squad (B squad), junior squad 1 (C squad), junior squad 2 (DC squad))
  • Federal association assessment with target perspective
  • Bundesliga players

of all sports organized in the DOSB as an association.


The application should be submitted should be submitted after a personal consultation with the respective university's top sports representative. To arrange an appointment, please contact us in good time, at least four weeks before the application deadline with Larissa Schilde, Kathrin Igel or Jan Willner in contact. In a short interview, you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself and your sporting and academic plans and goals. The top sports representatives will check your application documents and give you feedback on any changes.

Application video

Ourapplication videosummarizes the most important application contents for applying for admission at the University of Mannheim:

The following documents must be uploaded for the scholarship application to our applicant portal:

  • Letter of motivation

    Among other things, you should mention your desired course of study, your competitive sport and your local ties: Why are you being considered for a sports scholarship and what sporting goals do you have for the future? The letter of motivation should meet the general requirements and is also used as a basis for the decision.

  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form

    and a description of your athletic career to date

  • Cadre proof

    your sporting successes to date, in particular written proof of membership of an Olympic, perspective or junior squad (A-/B-/C-/DC squad) or national team. In exceptional cases, e.g. in case of injury or stay abroad, an application without squad membership is also possible with appropriate justification.

  • Missing cadre proof

    In exceptional cases, such as injury or after a stay abroad, an application with appropriate justification is also possible without squad membership. Instead, please enclose an assessment by the national association and/or a trainer's assessment showing your athletic ability and potential.

  • High school diploma

    Students who are already enrolled please also submit your high school diploma with your application. A certified form is not necessary.

  • Transcript of Records

    Already enrolled students please submit a current Transcript of Records (ToR).

  • Certificate of enrollment

    Already enrolled students please also submit a current certificate of enrollment.


We can only consider your application for the Elite Sports Scholarship Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region if you have applied for admission by the deadline or are already enrolled!


The scholarships are awarded by a selection committee.  Essential for the selection of the scholarship holders are their previous achievements. The selection criteria include, in addition to athletic development potential and the achieved placements in national and international championships (Olympic Games, World and European Championships), also the plausibility of the study success.

In addition taken into account are:

Special personal or family circumstances, in particular injuries, chronic illnesses or disabilities, raising own children, especially as a single parent, caring for close relatives, loss of one or both parents, employment during studies, working in the family business, a non-academic or migration background.

 We look forward to receiving your detailed application!

If you have any further questions, please contact:

Application period: annually until July 15

Larissa Schilde

Dept. of Communications and Marketing

Phone: 0621 / 181-3217

Visitor address:

University of Mannheim
Elite Sports Scholarship Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region East Wing Castle - Room SO 004
68161 Mannheim

Application period:
annually until July 15

Kathrin Igel
Department of Studies and Teaching
Tel: 06221 / 54-12257

Visitor address:

Universität Heidelberg
Spitzensport-Stipendium Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar 

Seminarstraße 2 - 1st floor, room 131
69117 Heidelberg


Application period: until January 15, 2025

Jan Willner 

DHBW Heilbronn


Heilbronn University

TU Munich Campus Heilbronn


Mobile: 0152-01548754

Visitor address:

Top sports scholarship from the Heilbronn universities

Education Campus 14 (Building T)

Room T.0.34 

74046 Heilbronn

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