To ensure that you submit all documents correctly, please be sure to make an appointment for a personal consultation with the dual career advisor at the University of Mannheim in advance:
Larissa Schilde
According to the DOSB (2021) it is"The potential-appropriate talent development in the competitive sports career (through the best possible support) with the goal of world-class performance and the enabling of a potential-appropriate educational career as the basis for a potential-appropriate opportunity on the labor market, in each case taking into account the individual personality development."
Support is available to compensate for the double burden of training and competition - support for school, work or study. The support should cover access to studies (profile quota, see below) as well as the period during studies and the transition to professional life.
* 10 Points Dual Career Program, DOSB 2021
The dual career in Germany is mainly supported by theDOSB, the Olympic Training Centers and the adh.
The DOSB as the umbrella organization, published its 10-point program on dual careers in November 2021:
The OSPs support the dual career through their career counseling services:
Also the adh has been supporting the dual career through the partner universities of top-class sport:
The universities of Mannheim and Heidelberg have been partner universities of elite sport since 2003.
Heilbronn's universities have been partner universities of elite sport since 2024.
Nevertheless, the situation in the federal states and at the individual universities is very heterogeneous throughout Germany. While 12 out of 16 federal states have already introduced aprofile quota*for BA programs for competitive athletes, there are significantly fewer for the MA programs.
There is not yet a profile quota for medical and veterinary school, dentistry and pharmacy.
*Excursus Profile Rate:
Top-class sport and university studies can only be combined at a university location from which the training facilities required for top-class sport can be reached with a reasonable time effort. For this reason, the profile quota, as a preliminary quota, should enable access to the desired study program at the main training location for all athletes, if possible.
Legal Basis:
In Baden-Württemberg this is regulated in the:
Law on admission to higher education in Baden-Württemberg:
§6 Selection procedure
as well as in the
Ordinance of the Ministry of Science on university admissionsand the application procedure at state universities in Baden-Württemberg:
- §22 Quotas and
- §33 Supplementary regulations for the allocation of study places
in postgraduate and master programs
1%, but at least 1 place per study program, are reserved for top athletes by advance quota for the admission-restricted study programs!
The Elite Sports Scholarship Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region has set itself the task of offering concrete organizational and financial support for all competitive athletes studying at the universities of Mannheim and Heidelberg, the Heilbronn universities or the Mannheim Business School.
Our top sports representatives at the respective universities are directly on site and can provide quick and uncomplicated support if necessary!
TheUniversity of Mannheim has anchored the profile quota for both the BA and MA programs. This means that intheAdmission and Matriculation Ordinanceof the University of Mannheim, in§ 8 Selection according to local commitment in the public interest,regulates who, as a competitive athlete, can submit a hardship application with the application in order to receive a university place within the framework of a preliminary quota.
Competitive athletes must submit a hardship application to the University of Mannheim at the same time as they apply for a university place!
To ensure that you submit all documents correctly, please be sure to make an appointment for a personal consultation with the dual career advisor at the University of Mannheim in advance:
Larissa Schilde
To ensure that you submit all documents correctly, please be sure to make an appointment for a personal consultation with the dual career advisor at Heidelberg University in advance:
Kathrin Igel
Also theUniversity of Heidelberghas established a profile quota for both the BA and MA programs. In the
Statutes of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg for the Determination of the Group of Persons to be Considered in the Public Interest in Locally Admission-Restricted Courses of Studyit is regulated who, as a competitive athlete and as in the context of the usual application procedure, can additionally submit a written, but otherwise informal application for admission in the preliminary quota "local commitment in the public interest".
Also at the Heilbronn universities competitive sporting commitment is also taken into account for admission to studies. You can find out about the individual legal basis specific to your university by talking to Mr. Willner directly.
To ensure that you submit all documents correctly, please make an appointment in advance for a personal consultation with the top sports representative of the Heilbronn universities:
Jan Willner
Overall coordinator and elite sports representative at the University of Mannheim
Sarah Seidl
Phone: 0621/181-3217
Mobile: 0151-2705 8195
Deputy Overall Coordinator
Dual Career Advisor University of Mannheim
Larissa Schilde
Phone: 0621/181-3217
Mobile: 0176-21914337
Dual Career Advisor Heidelberg University
Kathrin Igel
Phone: 06221/54-12257
Mobile: 0152-5524 5858
Elite Sports Representative of the Heilbronn Universities
Jan Willner
Mobile: 0152-01548754